You avid hunter out there, I know that although bow hunting season is already underway and blackpowder is just around the corner, there's still time to secure that recreational hunting haven which you've always dreamed about. Take a look at this 120 acre property prime hunting property located on Muddy Boggy with Muddy Boggy River Frontage, 3 Phase Power, Rural Water, Sandy loam soil, Rolling terrain, and you will find all of this on this 120 acre amazing hunting tract located West of Soper OK in Chcotaw County. The aundant wildlife including whitetail deer, easternn wild turkey, dove, ferral hogs and plenty of other critters which call this property home make this a versitile hunnting property. The large oak, elm & scattered pecan trees lining the Muddy Boggy River making this property an attractive hunting haven. Tired of hunting, kick back and enjoy the abundance of freshwater fishing of catfish. sunfish, perch, large mouth bass. You will find approximately 90% wooded with mature trees covering annd 10% small openingd throughout for foodplots and homesite. Perfect property for recreational hunting camp; airB&B vacation site; off-grid secluded cabin, or just a private family retreat. You're not going to want to miss taking a look , surrounded with ATV riding trails, backwoods hiking, horseback riding, freshwater fishing. This property is located and surrounnded y a vast amount of recreational activities,moe thann you can imagine. Easy access to propety with only 2 1/2 hours from the greater Dallas Metroplex, 2 1/2 hour drive from Menna AK, and 2 1/2 hours to Oklahoma City.