Remy Williams
Keller Williams NYC

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About Remy Williams

Remy Hunter Williams will work tirelessly to find the perfect space, and to secure the best deal for her customers. She cares about helping each customer achieve their goals, whether it?s buying, selling or renting a home. She understands navigating New York real estate can be a daunting, difficult and an incredibly frustrating process and strives to take the worry off her customers? shoulders making their experience as smooth and painless as possible.

Born and raised in Manhattan, in a family with strong real estate roots, Remy has an uncommon understanding of this complex, yet fascinating, City and the inner workings of the real estate industry. She has witnessed the care and discretion with which her parents and sister guide their customers, and recognizes the importance of those qualities. Remy appreciates the dedication needed to bring a full-service personal approach to brokerage and is conscious of her customers? wants and needs ensuring they are met in each real estate dealing.

Remy works on the Rana Williams Team, which is ranked by Real Trends as one of the Top 250 Real Estate Teams in North America in 2014, a ranking that was featured in the Wall Street Journal. The team is headed by Rana Williams, an Associate Real Estate Broker with over 30 years of experience, who heads the Luxury Homes Division of Keller Williams NYC.

Remy attended the Marymount School of New York and is a graduate of Arizona State WP Carey School of Business, with a degree in Business Communications. She currently resides in Midtown Manhattan, the heart of the city she loves.

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360 Madison Avenue, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10017
About Remy Williams

Remy Hunter Williams will work tirelessly to find the perfect space, and to secure the best deal for her customers. She cares about helping each customer achieve their goals, whether it?s buying, selling or renting a home. She understands navigating New York real estate can be a daunting, difficult and an incredibly frustrating process and strives to take the worry off her customers? shoulders making their experience as smooth and painless as possible.

Born and raised in Manhattan, in a family with strong real estate roots, Remy has an uncommon understanding of this complex, yet fascinating, City and the inner workings of the real estate industry. She has witnessed the care and discretion with which her parents and sister guide their customers, and recognizes the importance of those qualities. Remy appreciates the dedication needed to bring a full-service personal approach to brokerage and is conscious of her customers? wants and needs ensuring they are met in each real estate dealing.

Remy works on the Rana Williams Team, which is ranked by Real Trends as one of the Top 250 Real Estate Teams in North America in 2014, a ranking that was featured in the Wall Street Journal. The team is headed by Rana Williams, an Associate Real Estate Broker with over 30 years of experience, who heads the Luxury Homes Division of Keller Williams NYC.

Remy attended the Marymount School of New York and is a graduate of Arizona State WP Carey School of Business, with a degree in Business Communications. She currently resides in Midtown Manhattan, the heart of the city she loves.

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Company Listings

Townhouse · Active for Sale
122 Waverly Place
New York, NY
4 Bed, 6 Bath
Townhouse · Active for Sale
19 East 75th Street
New York, NY
6 Bed, 2 Bath
Condo · Active for Sale
721 Fifth Avenue
3 Bed, 3.5 Bath
Condo · Active for Sale
610 Park Avenue
New York, NY
4 Bed, 3.5 Bath
Multi-Unit (2-4) · Active for Sale
60 East 127th Street
10 Bed, 9 Bath
House · Active for Sale
201 W Houston Street
4 Bed, 4 Bath

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